Functional Team Coaching

Whether you are working in a corporate environment, small business, or healthcare services, people with different skills and backgrounds working colaboratively are needed to create results. Individuals working together bring their own unique engagement patterns that have developed over the years, including their self-protective stress responses. This shows up in many ways, and we see it all the time, but we just call it by different names: politics, processes and regulations, budgetary priorities, resource constraints, micro-managing, missing deadlines, ignoring emails. What we notice is the behaviors and outcomes, which often slow down or stop progress altogether. 
Mike works with teams first as individuals, to identify and further develop each person’s unique engagement pattern, and then to create and sustain a culture of success among the group.


Boosting Team Performance


 Contact Mike 


  Coaching offers programs for team leaders and team members, so they can contribute collaboratively, focus on what works rather than what’s wrong, and create solutions in the midst of uncertainty and complexity.

Team Leader Curriculum

Team leaders will benefit from a deeper understanding of what drives their levels of engagement and those of their team members. You will be able to coach team members to find their best solution, the one they will implement and use to create a successful outcome.

  •  Levels of Engagement Plus 
  •  Levels of Beliefs  

Manager Curriculum

Managers, especially those with a relatively small number of direct reports, have the challenge of getting their work done as well as often feeling responsible for the work of others. Learning when to manage, mentor, or coach can be integral to the success of everyone involved.

  •  Levels of Engagement Plus 
  • Managing, Mentoring, and Coaching: Knowing what to do and when

  Team Member Curriculum

Includes  Levels of Engagement PLUS  and observation of team meetings to help team members navigate their levels of engagement effectively in “real time” situations.